Källargatan 7a, 212 20 Malmö
Phone: +46702236879
Date of birth: 27th June 1980
Email: andersson.jon@gmail.com
Linkedin: http://se.linkedin.com/in/anderssonjon/
Github: http://github.com/j0n
Company: http://iandwe.se
Other: https://www.hearsay.se
Concentrating on complex front end work, apps and visualisations. Make great user experiences for everyone.
React javascript UX node.js graphQL HTML / CSS / SVG WebGL / three.js D3.js Swift / iOS
Took care off the technical view, make git-flows easy for everyone, developed the API with node.js. Did a lot of angular.js and UX for the admin interface
Skills used: Angular.jsUXCSS/SASS/CompassNode.js
Malmö yrkeshögskola started an education 2012 called Cross Media Publishing, with focus on learning the students to publish their applications to all possibles devices - phones, tablets, TVs. I held the courses in HTML5, which besides HTML5 included a lot of javascript and CSS
Skills used: TeachingJavascriptCSSHTML5
The project started during my time at Good Old, and i was a part of the team at Good Old that worked with the concept for the festival UxU. After quit I made the prototype for the UxU crowd-founding site and technical guidance for the development team togeter with Good Old.
Skills used: UXJavascriptCSSHTML5Wordpress
Consultant as javascript developer at Foap. Backbone.js, Marionette. Worked a lot with interactions.
Skills used: UXBackbone.jsJavascript
Worked as a full stack web developer, but focused on front-end development
Skills used: UXPHPJavascriptHTML5Wordpress
Livet som Leif was a campaign site for a popular children’s show (Mysteriet på Greveholm II - Grevens Återkomst) broadcasted by Sveriges Television (SVT)
Skills used: ConceptJavascriptTech lead
24hr bought Bronson ID in may 2010. I worked at the Malmö office, with customers like Skånemejerier, Tetra Pack and Alfalaval.
Skills used: CSSJavascriptHTML5Wordpress.NETUX
Skills used: JavascriptHTML5
Bronson Id was a small web agency (4 persons) that worked with big projects for Hewlett Packard, Sony Ericsson, Tetra Pack amongst others.
Skills used: JavascriptCSSHTML5Wordpress.NETUX
One of two javascript developers structuring and being part of the development for first versions of the quiz game Planeto
Skills used: Javascript
Building the interaction and front end for the live administration tool of wizerize events. (timeline, drag-n-drop, inplace edit, etc)
Skills used: JavascriptCSSHTMLUX
Always doing small projects on my spare time
WebGL/Three.js doodle selected to codedoodl.es gallery javascript, three.js
Design: Jon Andersson & Knutte Wester
Wordpress theme for award winning documentary about Gzim. wordpress, javascript, html, css
Helped a friend doing a edit view of his iPhone app. Only targeting iPad and larger screens javascript, html5, css3
Playlistapp, user could mix soundcloud, youtube and her own mp3s. javascript, html, css, node.js, php, mongodb
Mainly small sites and print work for artists and local companies
Database for the universities capacity building courses. Prestudie, requirement specification and developement.
Complementary sound and camera for the documentary ”Längs guldgatan”